/ About Us
Specialized approach to the preservation
of modern and contemporary art,
associating science to the preservation of the artistic and cultural heritage.
20|21 Conservação e Restauro de Arte Contemporânea was born in 2008
and it is specialist in preservation of modern and contemporary art,
responding to challenges in multiple materials and techniques, such as
paintings, paper, sculpture, furniture, ceramics, metals, textiles, and other
non conventional materials.
20|21 has worked for Institutions as Serralves Foundation, the European Parliament, museums of modern and contemporary art in Portugal, such as Bienal de Cerveira,
Ilhavo, Aveiro, Centro de Arte Oliva, CIAJG, among others.
Associating science to preservation of the artistic heritage, 20|21 team
is supported by a global network of conservators and scientists,
broadened with each of the 15 Masterclasses already organized.
We cooperate directly with the living artists and curators, and we present the better solutions for conservation, restoration, packing and exhibition, including integrated plans for preventive conservation.
/ Services
Specialized approach to the preservation
of modern and contemporary art,
associating science to the preservation of the artistic and cultural approach.
/ Projets
Specialization is the path to excellence
Ana Aeroportos
from 2010 to 2013Centro de Arte Oliva
Since 2009Centro Internacional das Artes José de Guimarães
Since 2012Município de Matosinhos
2018Museu da Bienal de Cerveira
Since 2009Museu de Serralves
Since 2009Museu do Dinheiro
2016-2017European Parliament
From 2011 to 2016
/ Team
and focused

Responsible for making things happen.

Responsible for dreaming further.

Responsible for making the impossible possible.
I am specialized in modern and contemporary art conservation and restoration and I have attended to 3 workshops organized by 20|21. All the workshops have been extremely important for the improving of my knowledge and useful for the application. The organization has been perfect, from the beginning to the end. Teachers are chosen between the best all over the world and I never felt disappointed.
Matilde DolcettiConservatorDesde 2009 que tenho a felicidade de participar em algumas das masterclass organizadas pela 20|21. Acho que já foram 7. Em todas elas só tenho a agradecer à equipa, tanto pela escolha e qualidade dos oradores convidados, como pela organização e simpatia de todas. Para mim é sempre uma oportunidade preciosa para poder aprender, trocar ideias, e sobretudo poder ter acesso directo aos vários especialistas.
Rita PourtalesConservadora-RestauradoraI have nothing but the highest words of praise for my experience with 20|21. They provided me with a fantastic professional experience during the masterclass that we organized together in 2018. The result was a valuable experience for all participants and a joy for me to experience. Every detail was thoughtfully attended to, from sponsorship to transportation to meals and accommodations.
Will ShankConservatorTive o prazer de colaborar com a 20/21 Conservação e Restauro numerosas vezes, no contexto da minha colaboração com a Colecção Norlinda e José Lima e o Núcleo de Arte da Oliva Creative Factory, de S. João da Madeira. A qualidade, eficiência, disponibilidade e gentileza dos membros da empresa revelou-se sempre excepcional, demonstrando saber e conhecimento. Recomendo a 20/21 Conservação e Restauro a todos os museus, galerias, coleccionadores, artistas, comissários e demais entidades e profissionais do sector artístico.
They’re perfect. A real pleasure to work with this team!
/ Blog
/ Contacts
+351 222 085 498
+351 960 080 607